Headless WooCommerce to boost your online business

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Headless WooCommerce speed boost

How Can Headless WooCommerce Help your eCommerce Business?

Consumers access eCommerce websites through various devices. eCommerce companies, therefore, must ensure their clients have a flawless experience. Adobe, Commerce Tools, Shopify, and others are implementing headless commerce architecture on their platforms. Forbes reports that more than $1.65 billion in funding has been raised for headless technology in 2021 alone.

A style of eCommerce architecture known as "headless commerce" separates the front and back end of an eCommerce operation. With this division, it is possible to update an eCommerce website's design and user interface without affecting the backend coding. As a result, more minor development limitations are when building or updating your website, making it more user-friendly and distinctive.

Adopting headless commerce will give online brands many advantages, including the following:

Faster speed: Headless commerce separates the front-end presentation layer from the functionality and background process layer of the commerce (back-end). As a result, the people's experience is more smooth and the stuff they view loads more quickly. According to studies, reducing the loading time by just 0.1s can increase conversion rates by approximately 8%. Consequently, implementing headless commerce will speed up your website and boost conversion rates.

Flexibility: You may easily apply a lot of customisation with the aid of headless architecture, which was before impossible or looked to be quite difficult. Additionally, maintaining and making changes to headless commerce websites takes a lot less time. This method is more versatile because any alterations you require can be done in the front end without requiring the engineers to alter the back-end coding. Just keep in mind that it is not possible to implement platform plugins that come with the front-end already built.

Improved security: While eCommerce platforms are crucial, this is one of the most important aspects of headless commerce. Due to the headless architecture, your backend server and admin portal endpoint are hidden from the outside user. Consequently, it is less likely to be attacked. Additionally, the same can only be accessed from business IP addresses.

Omnichannel Experience: The buyer journey is becoming increasingly more complex. According to data , nearly 74% of customers initiate and complete purchases through several channels. Additionally, 76 percent of consumers select a different eCommerce channel depending on the situation.

Improved Customer Experience and Personalization: The demands and wants of the clients are constantly evolving. Nowadays, customers seek a personalized experience, even when purchasing. This includes features like tailored promos, recommendations, and shopping preferences that are based on a customer's past purchases. A headless architecture ensures the ability to customize the website's front end to the user's preferences. As a result, your relationship with your customers becomes stronger and more unique.

Headless WooCommerce

Which are the Most Suitable Businesses?

Tailored content

You can integrate headless commerce into your website to give customers access to more tailored content and a fluid omnichannel viewing experience. A DTC business, for instance, or a brand that relies on native advertising and influencer marketing, should choose headless commerce since it may help them implement their content- and experience-led strategy.

Long-term business goals

If it fits your long-term business objectives, headless enables more creative freedom and developmental flexibility. Before you put this method in place, look through all your long-term objectives. Headless commerce is the way to go if you are a merchant operating with several similar brands and want to preserve brand functionality across various platforms and verticals.

Customzied products

Sellers that are already selling or intend to sell customized products should give headless as their primary option because it enables them to have more personalized products.

Omnichannel Experience

Companies that plan or are already using different touchpoints with the same back-end and wish to give customers the same seamless experience, whether it is Website, Mobile Web, Mobile App, POS, Kiosk, etc.

Our question is,

Would you keep your existing solution and data or build from scratch?

Headless is here to connect to your pre-existing back-end, helping you keep your data and business as usual with new high-performance experience and extensibility.

Learn more about platforms, technologies, and industries we have gained extensive experience with over the past years.


  • Magento
  • Shopify
  • WooCommerce
  • Oxid
  • BigCommerce

New Kids on the Block

  • Medusajs
  • Swell
  • Saleor
  • Sanity
  • Storyblok

Served by

  • Netlify
  • CloudFront
  • Gatsby
  • Heroku
  • Vercel

During my career I have worked with numerous IT companies, software and e-commerce developers. None of them come close to StuntCoders. They are a highly dedicated and professional team with a high technical proficiency, but most importantly you feel that they care about your project on a personal level. You really feel that they want you to succeed. This is what sets StuntCoders apart from the rest. I highly recommend Dejan and the rest of the team at StuntCoders.

Terje from Tesori
Terje Gaupseth
CEO, Tesori

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