Practical Guide To

Applying For Software Developer Internship Program At StuntCoders

StuntCoders has established its internship program in 2016. We are probably doing something good as we have been seeing more and more people applying for it. That is why we decided to sum up all frequently asked questions and spruce things up with some tips you will surely find useful if you decide to apply. Intern applied

Is it for me?

If you are a recent graduate (3+ university program) and haven’t done any personal projects, this program might be the right thing for you.

You should apply if you have just gained a degree (3+ university program) and have done some projects (personal, small, more significant). Then we will figure out together if you are for a junior position or go through an internship program.

We are always eager to meet people like you.

If you have completed the course in PHP, Ruby, or front-end development, you must have at least one project that you are proud of. Make it publicly available via Git repo. We want to know how you think, how persistent you are, how much time it took you to complete the project.

You should additionally write a motivational letter or (even better) record yourself explaining the motivation behind your choices and what you think your future will look like if all turns great.

How to Apply?

There are many tutorials on writing or recording a great motivational letter.

That is why we will not cover this topic, but we should point out that this seemingly small step may affect your entire career, and as such, it deserves your full attention and dedication.

Naturally, when reading motivational letters, we go for those written on a more personal note, those that genuinely explain your motives and expectations related to StuntCoders in particular, rather than going for a generic-sent-out-to-hundred-companies letter.

So, try to explain why exactly you believe we would be like two peas in a pod!

We also want to know the reason behind your decision to pursue this career.

We want to know if things keep you awake at night. Tell us as much as you can about yourself and the technologies that turn you on. Tell us about what problems you would like to solve.

What does the interview look like?

We reply to all people that apply. If you do not hear from us, likely, we didn’t receive your application. Try reaching us differently.

If we like your motivational letter and your project(s), we will invite you to our office or an online interview so we can meet.

There, we will be looking forward to learning more about you, and we will be open to any questions you might have. Our teammates (not more than two) will be talking to you about motivation, your current interests, and the knowledge that you have gained.

Our questions will depend on your area of interest and current knowledge.

The idea here is to learn how much time the internship should take and what areas we should focus on during that time. Strong individuals form strong teams, and we want you to gain as much as possible from this program.

If all turns out to be great on both sides, we will ask you to visit our team psychologist for evaluation. Our standard procedure ensures you will be a great fit for the current team.


Is the internship paid?


How long does the internship last?

It can take anywhere between three and six months depending on your current knowledge.

Do interns get a chance to work on real-life projects?


And not only that, but we push you beyond your comfort zone by giving you challenging problems to solve as well. Of course, you are monitored at all times, and you have a mentor by your side supporting you and assuring you are on the right track.

Will I be learning a lot?

Yes, we will encourage you to broaden your skills by recommending great books and providing you with unique tools and courses.

What sources do you apply during the program?

In short, video tutorials, mentor monitored development, face-to-face discussions, and book reading.

Do StuntCoders provide everything?

Yes. Computer equipment, ergonomic chairs, online courses, licenses, books…

Which books will I have to read?

We recommend the following:

  • Pragmatic Programmer, book by Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas.
  • Clean Code, book by Robert Cecil Martin
  • Refactoring, book by Kent Beck and Martin Fowler

What will I learn?

This depends on you and your general area of interest, but some general areas are:

  • Software development methodologies in practice
  • Usage of project management tools and lifecycle of tasks
  • Proper and advanced use of Git
  • Tracking of changes and adequate methods for versioning
  • Continuous integration tools and methods
  • Code quality
  • Peer reviewing
  • Refactoring

You will also learn about:

  • WordPress
  • Magento
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Linux

Do you hire your interns?

More often than not, we hire software developers that went through our program.

How many interns do you accept to your program?

One of our mantras is – that we are not willing to commit to more than we are sure we can handle.

This is our approach with our clients and projects and with interns, and we consider it tremendously important.

After all, it is the only way to ensure that the result will be of the highest quality.

Therefore, we will give you a straight and honest answer if we can or can not accept you onto our internship program.

We look forward to hearing from you. Good luck!

To Apply

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