
Cancellation policy

We want satisfied customers, not hostages. That's why we allow you to easily cancel your account directly in all of our apps - With no phone inquiries and no questions asked.

Account holders can cancel their account in the app under "My Account".

Our legal responsibility lies with the account holders, which means that we cannot cancel an account at the request of another person. Cancel. If for any reason you no longer know who the the account holder is, please contact us. We will be happy to contact all current account holders at the email addresses we have on file. contact.

What happens if you cancel?

After cancellation, you will no longer have access to your account. Therefore, make sure that you download everything beforehand that you would like to keep.

We delete your account information from our servers within 7 days and logs and within 180 days from our backups. permanently. Restoring data for an individual account from a a backup is not possible. If you change your mind, you must do it within the first 7 days. Data cannot be restored Be restored once it has been permanently deleted.

After the cancellation, we will not issue any more invoices to you issued. Contact us for a refund. We treat you right.

Cancellations by StuntCoders

We may cancel accounts if they have been inactive for an extended period:

  • For frozen accounts: 30 days after suspension due to payment issues
  • For customers who act abusively: 7 days after suspension

We also reserve the right to suspend or terminate any account at any time for any reason as set out in our Terms of Use. In practice, this usually means that if we have evidence that you are using our products for abusive behavior, we will cancel your account without notice.

© 2024 Adorable Corporation, Inc. in collaboration with StuntCoders doo. All rights reserved.